Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Networking 2.0

It's all about who know you, especially when it comes to Networking 2.0!

At our next meeting, we are set to discuss networking and its importance in today's world of business. In the United States, networking is particularly considered a key asset for success and according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking.

Whilst delving further into this topic, I came across a well known statement;

"It's not what you know, but who you know".

I am sure that you have undoubtedly heard this phrase before and considered your own experiences regarding it, whether they are negative or positive. However, it is apparent that there is a revised version of the common phrase;
"It's not who you know, but it's who knows you".

This made me reconsider my perspective about networking. The traditional version of the statement provides all the credit for your achievements to your connections. In contrast, the renewed version brings you back to the centre of the stage, strongly affirming that the key for success stands in your capability to let the right people know about your strongest assets, ideas and skills.

As we are living in an era of social media, where everyone can easily access your information online, it becomes crucial to understand how your virtual presence can impact your personal brand. If you don't want to be unprepared for networking, then you should consider your brand image on various social media outlets that you choose to use. Through blogs, personal profiles, posts and tweets, you are defining yourself to the world. So make sure that they are relevant, consistent and always up to date.

The greatest opportunities come from meeting new people and your current network. In order to sustain the brilliant impression that you have portrayed of yourself, your social media outlets need to be a continuation of your personality. Poor social media management, wastes the representation that you have aimed to leave the people within your new, developed or developing networks. However, developing your connections could be much easier if your network is able to access your relevant information online.

If you want to understand more about Networking 2.0, take a few moments to to read this interesting article that will guide you on how to prepare for networking in the social media era:

Speak to you all again soon,

Centre for Entrepreneurship

Monday, May 13, 2013

Welcome to the CfE NYC!

On March 2013, myself and three other interns from the August intake were voted as the next board members of the Centre for Entrepreneurship at the Mountbatten Institute (CfE). A few weeks later, after the new intake had arrived in New York City, a March intern was voted in as co-chair. Our names and positions are as follows;

Alex Lee – Chair
Andrew Staite – President
Claudio Lisco – Co-Chair
Sona Stefkova – Vice-President
Damien de Brujin – Program Chair

Under the expert advice and stewardship of Dr. Dennis Garritan; the Academic Dean of the Mountbatten Institute, a professor at Harvard and Managing Director of Palmer Hill Capital, we set out on a plan of rejuvenation. Scrapping the old model of using the ‘Entrepreneurs Club’ as a non-exclusive network session, we renamed, remodeled and rebranded ourselves.

Through the guiding of the vision statement, the CfE aims, ‘to provide the skills, opportunities and inspiration to grow your ideas’. Our members, will have the platform to be inspired and develop themselves and their ideas.

We have already seen major developments. Having had two group meetings already, we have discussed our business ideas and the basics of a business proposal. The next meeting, set for the 3rd June, will discuss how a relevant network can be created, maintained and leveraged. I am delighted to announce that we will be joined by Rebecca Jackson; a ‘Professional Spaghetti Thrower’, business start up consultant and contributor to Forbes magazine.

Following this blog post, our board and its members will post weekly on hot topics, trends and discussions that we deem relevant to our potential business ideas and futures.
Please do feel free to contact the Centre for Entrepreneurship if you feel you would be able to contribute to a group meeting or advice our members. Alternatively, you can check out all of our members at our website, where we have created individual mini-bio’s for everyone.

We are a fairly social bunch; posting links, building trends and tweeting regularly of Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter;
Until next time!
Alex Lee

“Think long. Write short. Capture in a second”